Regarding data entry form filling job fraud - India Consumer Forum

Regarding data entry form filling job fraud

I start  online form filling work with bgass  interprices privet limited  noida, delhi based company ,sir finally amount deside  to pay 15000 but at the time i have 10000 onely  they told me kindly submit 10k at the time remained can submit 3-4 working days and evening you will get your id and passward  same day i got e mail and i started work but there is a website problem and also a day later website has opened but there is no useful URL so that i won’t be able to fill the form  one’s i contact to technical support team they are getting busy and later they told me you have DEMO  data that’s why you are anable to get genuine URL after my request they convert demo data to live data but now website is not able to open  in between i talk to director of bgass  and told to refund my money but he told me first read  Agreement and egnore to refund my amount and also told me first pay remain amount

Sir kindly justify this essue  and get strict action against this company

jay prakash verma
Palam 110045, New Delhi


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    • Nandan kumar on 08/02/2021 at 2:54 pm

    Mr. PREM

    What project you taking from BGASS online or Offline projects

    • Indra Vijay on 21/02/2021 at 12:35 pm

    I also started to work with bgass i submitted the fees demo data was different live data is different not a single data is correct he is also not replying mymail

    he is replying what he want only not my question during lockdown any how i have arrange a mony and sumbitted please rectify my problem it was online project

    • aryan on 31/03/2021 at 10:26 am

    i also started work with bgass company and give money but after agreement they did not supply data for working and if we call him for data then they said that we clearly mentioned in agreement that we are not liable for data. and refuse to cancel the contract.
    i want to take legal and strict action against bgass enterprises if anyone wants to help me for this then comment me and msg me

    • Sunny on 04/06/2021 at 10:45 pm

    If anyone got cheated by Bgass enterprise please contact me. Or any other company. Please contact. +91-9483451034.

    • Sanjay on 15/06/2021 at 1:08 pm

    As a matter of fact everyone is not able to do the given work and Start blaming company for their losses bgass is a legit company and have been working on with him with past 2 years kindly do research before coming to conclusion that bgass is frowd company is fully legit and reliable to work with

    • Venkat yadav on 02/07/2021 at 9:29 pm

    Not interested

    • Akshat on 29/09/2021 at 4:14 pm

    Dear sanjay,
    Company mentionwd about shuffle data but not mentioned properly that data provide after shuffle is working or not working many of the centers are not received proper working data so how can center generate revenue. And also many reasons are created by company that why the centres unable to generate revenue.

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