Regarding delay in processing education loan by bank - India Consumer Forum

Regarding delay in processing education loan by bank

Compliant regarding SBI education loan processing: I applied for an education loan from SBI NAVYUG MARKET, GHAZIABAD, on 29th July’17 for an amount of 3.4Lakhs. From there my application was forwarded to SBI RACPC BRANCH NEW ARYA NAGAR. The processing officer Ms. Sxxxi Gxxxxxy is handling the file she started the processing on 31st July’17. Today is 6th Sept’17, even after submitting all documents and verification my loan is still not been sanctioned for some unknown reasons. The branch AGM Mr. Sxxxp Vxxxxxxt has stated reasons like they are running low on processing officers or they can’t say anything, the processing officer Ms. Gxxxxxy is saying that I am not the only applicant who has applied for a loan and when the loan will be processed I’ll be informed. From the date of applying till today I haven’t received a single call from them regarding anything. I visited the branch thrice asking for the status of the loan but they are just not answering anything properly and just keep pushing the date. My father is a defence personal and holds a DSP account in SBI, on this ground the office verification is not required but they kept the file on hold for office verification pending norm. Now even after clarifying that the status is still on hold. My classes had already been commenced from the 2nd of August’17. The college administration is regularly asking for fee and the bank is still not saying anything. Please take an appropriate action and help me get my loan so that I can pay my fee.

Ghaziabad 201002, Uttar Pradesh

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