Regarding Delta Tech Data Solutions Data entry company in Gujrat - India Consumer Forum

Regarding Delta Tech Data Solutions Data entry company in Gujrat

I am from Ajmer Rajasthan. I got a call from a company named as Deltatech Datasolutions for some time part time data entry work on  16th July 2019 past 7 days. The name of the girl who was talking to me is Hxxxxy Pxxxxxl. She told me that there is form filling work so you have to complete n 7 days and there is a deadline after 7 days and after 7 days you will get rupees 20000 as per form cost 25 rupees and payment will be in your account after giving bank details within 24 hours. There is not any signed documents send by me but they send me a link of terms and conditions in the mail account and told me that you have to reply with I agree. Then was working for 7 complete that with double checked accuracy in data entry. Now in between work they downed the server in maximum time but Still I completed all the work in the given time period. 800 words in a given time period is with server down and double checked all the details is a big deal for me. They send me the quality check report in which around 689 forms are correct and rest was incorrect as I was double checked everything after submitting and have the screenshot of that work then they told me that the amount is 17227 RS which we will transfer in your bank account but as you will not meet 90% accuracy then you have to pay the penalty of RS 4000 then we will refund your money along with the payment of 17225 and terminate your profile . I have done all there work in day and night to complete it in a given time and also checked all the details after submitting then after that they demanding money as penalty which is totally fraudulent and told me that you have not met 90% accuracy so there is penalty of rupees 4000 and they send the details of bank account in which I have to pay rupees 4000 otherwise there is a legal action against me. I have  screenshot of forms which is filled by me.  The website is WWW.DELTATECHDATASOLUTION.IN I did not pay anything till today and I will not going to pay anything. What they are doing is a serious crime and may be that company took alot of money from the innocent people who search for job or wants to work in part time. Please tell me what will I do in this situation. I am sending you the details what she said to me along with screenshot of conversation and there is a contact number in the screenshot. Please help me. I also have the amount mail that they told me to transfer but they denied due to fraudulent penelty

Ajmer 305001, Rajasthan


  1. I am getting harashed due to the same problem… ? What I should do now… Please help me out

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