Regarding harassment calls from Fullerton - India Consumer Forum

Regarding harassment calls from Fullerton

WITH REFERENCE to the the captioned subject since 17/09/2017 my family, friends, relatives have been continuesly harassed over phone call from Fullerton credit company. Further they are using abusing and threatening language with them to recover loan taken by me of which since last six month installments are pending. In this regard they have been calling from different numbers since 17/09/2017 to my friends and family members by using abusive language why they are not getting their installments. Therefore it is very difficult to survive now a days. Loan has been taken by me and will be paid by me as soon as possible.

The bank certainly has the rights to recover its outstanding amount but it has to be done with due process of law not by using abusing and threatening language with my family and friends.

In this regard one my friend Axxxxt Kxxxxr Mixxxa visited Raipur, Chhattisgarh Branch office to explian regarding the phone call he is receiving since 17/09/2017, how ever branch manager told go to police and what ever as he is my friend he will be harassed to recovery the loan amount. He has submitted a police complaint at SP Office Raipur to stop this.

Another friend My Wife, My In Laws, and also respected persons known to me are getting calls and harassed also since 17/09/2017. No body should be harassed for my loan outstanding recovery, therefore requested your good office to help. If anything happens to me Fullerton India is responsible for this.

RAIPUR 492013, Chattisgarh


    • MANIKUTTAN. J on 21/10/2017 at 6:59 pm

    Iam Manikuttan. J from kerala. Iam a Govt employee. I have a perosnal loan from fullerton. My father died in 2 weeks ago. So one installment pending. Fullerton executive Mr. Ramesh continusily phone calls in many differnt numbers. Now iam unhappy situtation. So pls help me.

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