Regarding job offers from travel management Telegram Channel Platform

Regarding job offers from travel management Telegram Channel Platform

Invite recieved in telegram as an opportunity earn 1500-2000 Rs in a day after rating products. Then they join me in telegram group 15-20 members who are paid agents supporting the site.
I have been asked to give 5 star for a travel places and a comission of150 to 300 Rs/Per 5 Star rating deposited in our site account. Once i strated the task by clicking the ratings at some tasks i have been asked to deposit more money to proceed further a customer care service chat provided by site linked to telegram app sevice chat keeps assuring that you will get all your money back promotion me to deposit more money.
Small sums are deposited back into my account the second day to give a false picture that your money will come back but once i start depositing more money they never allow me to complete 30 tasks so that  I can withdraw deposited money back asking more 40000 deposit to move forward to complete the 27 th task.
The scam is designed in such a way that most are young boys and girls and sweet talks in reassuring way that I will get all my money back but they keep asking you to deposit more money to finish 30 task and withdraw but they never allow me to with draw saying you are upgraded to premium task automatically. Huge money trap scam going on i lost my Rs-49,441 please help to get the money back.

Jabalpur 482005, Madhya Pradesh

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