Regarding low voice on call in iPhone 7 Plus - India Consumer Forum

Regarding low voice on call in iPhone 7 Plus

The iphone 7 Plus 128 GB (Sl No. F2LTL73XHFY9) is purchased on 16/06/17

When I started checking the various features of the phone, I found that, if I am on a voice call with a person, that person gets low voice, sometimes fluctuation of voice, sometimes no voice at all. I have used four sim cards of four mobile-service-providers of our country, but obtained the same result. In spite of all my efforts listed below I have failed to get a resolution of the said problem.

1. Reported the matter over phone many times to Apple customer support (0008001009009) starting from 20/06/17.

2. Reported the matter to a authorized Apple service center, “Imagine(Systematix Media), Ho-Chi Min Sarani, Kolkata. The center Head did not even cooperate and behave properly.

3. Sent several e-mails and made several phone calls to The Apple India Service Head, Bangalore, India. He did not even show the curtsy of replying any of my e-mails, neither received any of my phone calls.

However on persuasion, the iphone was sent to Bangalore Repair Center from Kolkata service center and they replaced the display unit of the iphone. But even after that I had been facing the same problem.

Subsequently, the said iphone 7 plus is replaced by a new one having serial no. F2LTQ5MSHFY9 and IMEI no. 353779081527063, but this iPhone has the same problem, even after updating with the latest ios version 11.1.2

Nirmalya Chowdhury
SALT LAKE SECTOR-2, KOLKATA 700091, West Bengal

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