Regarding money taken for fraud job interview offers - India Consumer Forum

Regarding money taken for fraud job interview offers

I got a call from a Male staff in Secure Naukri immegration agent, on 31-10-2020. He introduced himself as mentioned before and was forcing me to transfer the amount of Rs.3540 immediately for gettting the job interview. As I assked him, about furhter procedings, he informed me that I shuld not pay any amount before getting the interview calls and getting the copy of Visa from Cananda. But have to pay some charges immedaitely when they forward the copy of the Visa or job agreement copy to be signed by me and Canadian Company. He was not cutting the call and by continuing the call , he asked me to send the amount to the bank account and link he shared in my mobile message. When I opened the link , I found the bank aoount name as “Gaur Real state “, place as Farrukhabad. When I asked him why name is not showing Secure naukri ‘s name, he told that it is the sister concern and no issues to transfer the fund .So I transferred the fund. Then he forwarded the call to his HR persoan called Rxxxxh Kxxxxa in Secure naukri firm. He told me that he will be with me from starting to end of the procress to get work visa since he knows the procedures and was working in that from 2008 onwards. Has lot of experience in recruting people and sent many people to different countries.
Such talks happended for two days sinc eI had doubt in his talks and on Novemebr 2nd, He asked me about my decision to continue oe not for the further proccedings and if wish to procced, I have to pay another Rs.11500/- has putting up of my CV as service charges, Canadian Embassey service charges and get LMIA permission charges and so on… After paying this amount only , he will forward my CV details and assist me for interview.
So I decided not to continue further process.
The amount paid Rs.3540 is my hard core amount , received from my salary . I am not not taking huge salary and as I asked to repay the amount back, Ramesh Krishna informed that this amount will not be given back.
Need your help to get back my paid amount of Rs.3540/- which they collected using fake receipt in the name of “Gaur Real state “. Kindly find the receipt copy which is attached herewith.


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