Regarding poor services from Distant Holiday tour agent in Kashmir

Regarding poor services from Distant Holiday tour agent in Kashmir

We booked your package via Distant Holidays for 6N/7D at Srinagar. pahalgam & Gulmarg for 3 star category & we were assured that all the hotels where having proper heating facility as we never stayed at below freezing temperature.
When we reached Gulmarg we were surprised to see the Hotel &Rooms given to us, the hotel name was Hotel Welcome, the hotel doesn’t even had a proper hearing facility & the rooms which where given to us were even worst when we complained to our tour operator she did changed the room but still it was way below pas as the curtains where turned & bedsheets too not proper.

We also had electricity issue as there was frequent power distrubance & worst thing was room was icy cold & we 4 adults with one child where freezing like hell & 2 nights were hlbightmare for us. We raised complaint multiple times but no conclusive action was taken from neither hotel staff not tour operator. When we asked for compensation from our tour operators we where threatened of police complaint.

We where forced to pay the entire amount for the hotels which wasn’t even fair & when we said that we will lodge a complain for harrassment Shen even deleted the payment receipt of hotels which she sent to us WhatsApp.

We were threatened & left alone by our tour operator at the place which was unknown to us. Now when we asked her full name & address she’s not answering , she even deleted payment receipt of the hotel on watsapp.
We hope our matter is resolved ASAP and will get proper composition for all the harrassment and disconfort.

Please find the following attachment of rooms discomfort, chat of our agent and the pymnt ss deleted by her.

Thane 401101, Maharashtra

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