Regarding service from VLCC

Regarding service from VLCC

I was a regular and sincere customer of VLCC of Vanivihar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha since  more than one year. The VLCC center has taken in total RS 40000/- (Forty Thousand) from me and my family.  Whenever I asked them regarding my amount spent  on any product and its cost, they never able to give any exact data or receipt. And recently when me and my brother asked them to provide the contact of their manager, they refused to provide and started abusing and misbehaving very badly. One female and one male person very badly misbehaved with my brother over telephone and threatened. I am going to take police action against such violent person in VLCC, Vanivihar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. I want complete refund of Rs 40000(Forty Thousand) towards my suffering, that I had underwent mentally and financially by such danger and pathetic VLCC Center. Or else I am going to take legal action against it.

BHUBANESWAR 751022, Odisha

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