Regarding services from Chawla movers and packers, Ahmedabad

Regarding services from Chawla movers and packers, Ahmedabad

I would like to register a case of cheating and fraud against Chawla movers and packers. The areas of concern are as follows –

1. Hidden charges not mentioned during initial quote ( Ahmedabad – Kolkata)
2. It was agreed that 50% will be paid during loading and 50% on unloading. They blackmailed me and took 100% payment. The material was kept hold till such time at Ahmedabad.
3. Lot many things were damaged during transit however no claim was entertained. I was charged ?12000/- against transit insurance.

I request you to take strong action against this company so that they are not able to cheat anyone in the future

P.O. Harinavi, Kolkata

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