Restaurant charging more than MRP and adding taxes - India Consumer Forum

Restaurant charging more than MRP and adding taxes

I have been to many restaurants and Its Obvious we opt for cool drinks when we go to restaurant. They are imposing heavy prices beyond MRP and We questioned why at a restaurant and they asked us not to buy. But they are not ready to accept their flaw and even they are ready to face the complaint and even they are imposing Tax on that already hiked MRP. I’m not disclosing the restaurant name because all the restaurants are doing the same.

Could you please take action.?

Aakash Akash
Electronic city Phase 1, Bangalore 560100, Karnataka


    • MANISHA on 09/09/2017 at 9:51 am

    I Have been a regular customer of restaurant SUN STAR ,NR AMRITSAR BYE PASS ,TARNTARN..and have cold drink..Always they used to charge more than MRP but this time it was too astonishing as they were charging more than double..when I questioned they argued and ready to face complaint…I also have bill…

    • MANISHA on 16/09/2017 at 10:04 am

    How the action would be taken against them?

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