I was applying for part time job to help my family’s financial situation in naukri and linkedin and various other ads. I received a message on whatsapp about a part time job for document typing. Initially they asked 100 rs for document charges. Later they said they have started initial payment of 10000 to which i should pay 2000. Similarly they named different charges lik gst charge, tds charge etc and I kept on paying. When I realized it was a scam and I reported and blocked one number, they contacted me from another number threatening to upload my photo and aadhar card pan card details on social media and to send legal notice if I dont pay 12000. I paid the amount as I didnt want any more issues and as they told they deleted my pictures. they contacted me again asking for 10000 in 2 transactions promising to return the money i sent them. I did but the calls arent stopping and i am not getting any cash back. What do i do
Jenifer Cynthya
Chennai 600096, Tamil Nadu
Email: jxxxxxxxxxxxx8@gmail.com
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