Shop charging more than MRP for cold drinks - India Consumer Forum

Shop charging more than MRP for cold drinks

I want raise a complaint against a shopkeeper who run a parantha shop along with some some soft drink and juice, whenever you purchase any product from this shop, you will experience that they charged higher then the MRP of that product. last day i bought a coke of 300ml and they charged 20 Rs for this but the MRP of the product is 15 Rs. many customer have the same complaint from the shopkeeper. while the shop only one which remain open by mid night , they took the advantage of this . i am sure that thay do not have any registration certificate to open the shop by mid night. and they don not have sufficient equipment to run this shop and even there is no hygiene concern about the food.

Yogesh Gaur
Opposite Kala vihar, New Delhi 110091
13/05/2017 / 12:31 pm


    • Venkat on 13/05/2017 at 5:19 pm

    My name is Venkat. Recently came to one shopping complex to buy cloths.
    Purchased one water bottle (kinley). Shopkeeper charged 2 rupees extra on mrp. The reason due to cooling charges…but shopkeepers need to incur these expenses as they have to serve with cooling.

    Questiined this and shicked by getting reply from shop keeper that “every one in this town charging the same way”. Someone has to take action on these people as they are looting public money by telling bullshit stories.

    This place is proddatur – vivekanada cloth market. Pincode-516360

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