Shop selling beer at more than MRP - India Consumer Forum

Shop selling beer at more than MRP

On December 23, 2017, I went Harsha beer shopee, B.T. Kawde Road, Pune for purchasing 7 beers. I have an alcohol consumption and carrying permit. The worker asked me to pay Rs 1120. I asked him how. He told me beer is now 160. I said MRP is 145. He said if you don’t like the price, don’t buy it from here. I then asked for the bill. He said he wouldn’t give me the bill. Buy it or leave it. After my insistence, he called the owner. Owner said I have to pay what is saying. He said alcohol cooling charges Rs15 extra. I said when you buy milk, you pay MRP. He said I have option not to buy if I do not like. Complain whoever you want. I paid the worker because there was no shop nearby. But I have on video the transaction.
Do you handle the case of liquor? Or I have to launch the complaint to the local authority who gives permits to these beer shopees?

Tushar Jain
Uruli Kanchan, Pune 412202, Maharashtra

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