We regret to inform you that an authorized wine shop namely Ashok Wines which is situated near Domalapenta vill, Amrabad Mandal, Kurnool Distt. Pin 509326 (TS) is selling the wines more than MRP price since last five yrs irrespective of all the brands both hard drinks and beer.
Further we would like to inform you that the wine shop is charging extra price on MRP in whimsically within the range from Rs.15/- to Rs.20/- on every bottle. We don’t know how the wine shop owner is dare to commit this type of activity.
In view of the above context, you are cordially request you to kindly look into the matter gravely arrange to send your team to investigate it by attempting to make customer and also take remarkable action against the above unfair wine shop Owner.
An early intervention/action in the matter is requested.
Thanking you,
R K Rao
Kurnool Disttl 509326, Telangana
Email: rxxxxxxxxxx1@gmail.com
You may submit a complaint to the office of legal metrology together with the bill