amity university | India Consumer Forum

Tag: amity university

Regarding refund from Amity University

I’m writing this in hope that you might solve my problem. I received a call from Amity University mentioning that I can apply for my MBA graduation through them. The lady who spoke with me is Rxxxxa. I explained Riya that I do not have a +2 certificate but only have a distance education degree …

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Unable to log into Amity exam portal

I am student of Amity. On 6th Dec 2017, I had exam and when I tried login to that particular site I was not able so that time I tried calling to the provided number in the portal(all the numbers) but none of the number connected so I mailed them on the email id which …

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Wrong information provided by Amity Kolkata for admission

I apply in amity kolkata for BFA course. I asked to the admission helpline that what eligibility require for BFA , then they said only 50% in 12th. but when i purchased INR:1100 for form then they reject my admission form. because i have not 50% mark in 10th. so my question is that if …

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