club membership | India Consumer Forum - Part 5

Tag: club membership

Regarding membership and refund of Big Bazaar profit club card

I’ve been a loyal customer of big bazaar for a few years now. Due to the acquisition of big bazaar by reliance, I’m in a dilemma about the money in my profit club card of big bazaar. I had an injury due to which I couldn’t visit big bazaar stores for a few months. I …

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Complaint regarding Big Bazaar Profit Club Card

Profit Club Card- introduced by Big Bazaar in the year 2022, were sold to the customers who visited the stores (across India) including myself. The card is valued for Rs. 10,000/- and an extra amount of Rs. 2,000/- was added by Big Bazaar as good will. The customer can swipe the card at Big Bazaar …

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Complaint regarding Big Bazzar profit club membership card

I have purchased Big Bazaar shopping Profit club membership Card of amount rs 10,000/- in the month of April 2022. But Big Bazzar has closed all his outlets/ stores without any communication. As Big Bazaar is taken over by Reliance Group, we are not able to use this card from last 6 months. Also there …

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Park Holidays not giving membership services

I have taken Park Holidays membership for 10 years after paying Rs165000.  I requested accomodation in Jamshedpur but they refused as it it is not in the list.  email and reply given that the requested destinations are not listed with us. Earlier also they refused accomodation  in specific  Hotel  . However during agreement signing they …

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Complaint regarding Big Bazaar profit club card membership

Big bazaar profit club 3000 fraud.  Value: 3000. I have future pay big bazaar profit club card of 10000, now all big bazaar outlets closed and I try to contact customer care and mail, but no response and no way to utilize my card money so help me to get my refund of 3000 . …

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Complaint regarding Big Bazar profit club card membership

Big Bazar profit club card. Value: 8000 rupee Still 8k , 8 thousand are left and I cannot redeem anywhere that money, it’s okay for Big companies to takeover business and other things but like this common man money is wasted and no one cares over this . Stores are responding that they cannot process …

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Complaint regarding big bazaar profit club card membership

Big Bazaar profit club card refund. Value: 60000 Hi Team , I have enrolled for Big Bazaar Profit club card . Now , since i am not able to redeem the same , can you kindly help me in cancelling the card and refund the amount. Or if you can let me know of any …

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