digitalprofitcourse | India Consumer Forum

Tag: digitalprofitcourse

Regarding refund of enrollment on Digital Profit Course

I enrolled for digital profit course on 25/04/2019 but i could not access my log in as my email id or password was projected to be wrong again and again even after correction. So I would like to cancel my enrollment and want the refund of my money back. Gaisemlung Pamei Tamenglong 795141, Manipur Email: …

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Regarding refund from Digital Profit course

I had enrolled for Digital profit course on 12th Sep, due to some personal reasons had raised refund request as per their policy within 30 days on 4th and 5th Oct’17. There were couple of to and fro mails from company to convince me but I insisted getting my refund. Now company is denying refund …

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