Employment | India Consumer Forum - Part 11

Tag: Employment

Complaint regarding online job fraud – Square Jobs

I had applied for online data entry jobs on naukri.com. I received a whatspp message from square job company mentioning the details about the Jobs. The phone number is 8xxxxxx3. He told he is Mxxxxxxxxd Rxxxi Sxxxxn. There was an initial deposit of Rs 750  as registration fees for email job alone  and Rs 950 for …

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Online typing job from Z-techworksolution Company

I had  gone with the agreement with z-tech works solution company,regarding online typing job,for which they were suppose to pay me 17,500/ rupees for 06 days job work of 700 pages. However,after 03 days of work and 338 pages done,my site was blocked. O n enquiring for the same,they told me that it was because …

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Complaint regarding job offer from onlineworksjob.com

I registered  for search of work on olx  app. Oon next day I got a call from a girl named Rxxxxa (phone number: ). She told me  to do a job  of data entry and  offered me  to fill 800 forms and would pay me 35 Rs for each form i.e. 28000 in total. She …

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Complaint regarding job offer letter

I had get e message from shine.com for Jio back office job.I have call  8587016917 on this number.First she told me send all education ducuments and if your documents is shortlisted then hr will call you.After clear your interview you have to paid 850 Rs. I have attained the interview yesterday and send 850 Rs on hr …

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Complaint regarding job offers from theresumework

SCAM AND FRAUD done by theresumework[dot]com. Value: 16,680. I paid 3000 Rs. to theresumework. I had completed 371 resumes out of which they say that 278 are accurate and did not give me the money that I was supposed to get, which was 16,680 @ Rs. 60 per resume. I have attached the contact numbers of the …

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Complaint regarding job offers from UTS Solution

sir/ mam there was a agreement between UTS Solution Gujarat and me for online salary profile work. This company give me work on 12/02/2020 and the time bound was of 10 days to complete the work. i completed it before due time. There was a condition in the agreement that the work accuracy should be …

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Complaint regarding fraud related to online data entry job

On 4th of March I have started a data entry job from a company named “joblinksolution”, whose website is “joblinksolution.com”. I got this job from a freelancer website known as “freelancer.com”. Joblinksolution company had asked me to pay a total of ?5000 as security money for the corresponding work which i was assigned. I had …

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