Employment | India Consumer Forum - Part 4

Tag: Employment

Complaint regarding Fake Online Job offers

I’m trapped by technostream.com co. In the name of Benignent techno. somebody namely Kxxxn whose Mobil number is 93xxxxxxxx0 claiming to be company’s employee called me on WhatsApp and through phone voice call and promised to give me a job after asking me about my personal and qualifications details. He sent me QR code of …

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Complaint regarding non-payment of salary

I was working in a company in Jaipur. I worked from 10th March-21st May. I asked my owner to provide joining letter he didn’t provide. He asked me for one cancel cheque when I joined and aadhar and pan card which I already provided to him. He said we will signing 1 year bond with …

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Wrong debit from my bank account for work from home job

Some one said calling from Quikr jobs saying I have uploaded resume for which I have been selected and I have to work for a babnk. He said one work from home and another from a branck. I chose work from home with a registration fee of Rs.49/-. Thereafter they said there will be an …

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Complaint against empzilla regarding services

I would like to raise a consumer complaint against Empzilla.com for not refunding my money for services not rendered. Below is the detail of sequence of incidents. 1) I am an unemployed person looking for a job and was updating my details on the online web portals like naukri.com, monster.com etc. 2) Empzilla.com has got …

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Regarding the online job services from Shine

This mail is to inform you that I have undergone online fraud with Shine.com, from Jan 2021 I’m struggling for my refund. I personally mailed Sine and Hindustan times media about my problem. I believed in 4 of their useless packages that I bought from their shine learning website. I am dissatisfied with their service …

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Demand for money by database job provider

Sir, there is a company named Oracle Database whose agreement was reached with me on 13.02.2021. Of which he told me that let you sit on your PC and do a work of Hundred pages.They told that as soon as we have sent you the work, you have to type exactly from same to same. …

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Complaint regarding fraud job offers from Right Way Data Solution

Right Way Data Solution Company asked me to work as an online chapter, they neither gave me work nor any detail show is happening on my mail id, yet people are asking me for their money. After receiving maintenance and dislocation, I was subsequently transferred 5400 rupees, after saying that you would have to pay …

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