loan complaints | India Consumer Forum - Part 4

Tag: loan complaints

Complaint regarding continuous harassment by Bajaj agent

After lockdown my business no doing well and my financial condition is so much effected, that time i am suffering heart problem and treated at narayana hospital bangaluru, but bajaj agent continuous call me and harassing my family without my presence , they only want money they do not understand what is my health condition, …

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Complaint regarding Bajaj Finserv flexi loan and HDFC illegal ECS authentication

Till now no action was taken for fraud authentication of the agreement via mobile OTP ( i.e. explained by Bajaj Finserv executive/channel partner for mobile verification but agreement authenticated by Bajaj Finserv executive/channel partner ). It was illegal authentication. Hence it is a question of security ?????? Not ensure the cancellation of HDFC Mandate reference …

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Complaint regarding worst quality loan service

On 28 nov I got a call from icici loan deptt . she had abused me like pagal, kameena, aukat nhi h this type of words used and harassed me. I told her that I am a migraine patient and bcs of that I got in a panic situation and got  migraine attacked. I requested …

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Complaint regarding kotak mahindra bank loan

I have taken a bike loan in kotak Mahindra Bank on 19.03.2020. July month payment not done with in the time line, however iam paid that loan amount 23rd of July and the same month 8 term’s  bank check inatiate because of that realisation I loss my credit score and check bounce charges (3500/) same …

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HDFC not confirming restructuring of loan

I lost my business due to covid-19, before Feb 2020, I paid all  EMI on time to bank, now after Covid-19  , I suffered and I requested to bank please re structure My EMI, but they are not responding despite 4 mail from my side, always I am getting auto generated message from bank.   They …

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DHFL increases principal amount in lieu of interest moratorium

I have loan in DHFL with Loan Account Number  :4566.  I di not paid the EMI during Moratorium for 5 Months. Now this DHFL  charged me with tremendous interest  of 76500. and Added this amount to my Principal amount. and now calculated EMI again including this bulk interest. As I having problem I did not …

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Complaint regarding loan foreclosure letter from HDFC

Have been requesting for Foreclosure letter since more than 4 months and haven’t got it yet. Value: 7500000. This is with regards to my request to get the foreclosure letter and LOD. I claim for the difference in interest rate between what HDFC is charging me and what SBI is offering me (I am transferring …

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