nestaway | India Consumer Forum

Tag: nestaway

Regarding refund of security deposit from NestAway

I am writing to lodge a formal complaint against NestAway for failing to refund the full amount of my security deposit despite fulfilling all the requirements and terms as per the agreement. Details of the Complaint: Property Details: Goregoan West, Mumbai Security Deposit Amount: Total deposit paid: ?27,000 Amount refunded: ?12,000 Pending amount: ?15,000 Timeline …

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Nestaway not adjusting excess paid commission amount

Have paid more money as nestaway one time comission i have to pay just 2750 and i have paid after getting the confirmation from the area manager that it will adjusted in upcoming months rent but he dint and now he refusing but I have the written proof of it but still they are not …

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Regarding No response from NestAway for return of house keys

Kindly help me get my house keys back from NestAway team. It is highly frustrating that, as a customer i have been chasing them through calls and emails but they are neither responding nor any one their team member reached out to me. My house in Bangalore has been vacant from past 4 months , …

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Regarding refund due from Nestaway after vacation flat

I was staying in Nestaway rented apartment Bangalore, Karnataka, India, Bangalore – 560102. I had paid a total of 1,87,800 INR as desposit amount while moving in.  I vacated the apartment on 31/12/2020 and Nestaway did the house inspection and said I’ll be getting back 1,52,035.0 INR back in 15 days. It has been 10 …

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Non-responsive service from Nestaway leading to loss of tenant

I rent my apartment via Nestaway. In Feb 2021  the rental agreement renewal was due and tenant needed it for taxation purposes. We have been trying to get the issue resolved for two months now, but we either get no response from Nestaway or get false promises that the issue will be resolved in few …

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Complaint regarding charges by Nestaway

I have been facing some real household issues for the past 6 months which have had no solution so far. There have been multiple follow ups for the issues with the team but did not receive any solutions for the same. Please find the attached mail in which I have written the detailed description on …

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Harrasment by Nestaway for refunding amount

I have booked a room from Nest away where I suppose to move. But I came to know the room has already occupied by other tenant. I came to know this during shifting. The owner already received the token amount and informed to nestaway but they didn’t informed me ,nor they removed it from their …

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