Tata Photon | India Consumer Forum

Tag: Tata Photon

Complaint regarding Tata Photon service

I had TATA photon dongle. Due to very bad connectivity and slow speed, I have been requesting for disconnection of this number w.e.f NOVEMBER 2017. However, till date TATA has not disconnected the same and is demanding that I pay till date charges as usual. Despite ‘no service’ I had paid till March 2018. Since …

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Complaint regarding Tata Photon poor connection

Regarding tata docomo internet connection. From day 1 it was not working but they did not resolve the issue till 10 months and finally i have to get it deactivated. Now they are asking me to pay the bills of last months as well when it was not in working condition at all. sakshi solanki …

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