I came in contact with Telegram channel “All new movies uploaded” WhatsApp -Gadget storm . He offered gadget at cheap and affordable price he also give proof of happy customers with delivered product successfully. So I choose I watch 7 Rs. 5000. He gave me upi Id @airtel. I paid Rs.500 then he book product …
Tag: telegram channel
Complaint regarding telegram online scam
This is the name in Telegram. @GaneshCardershop He is earning almost 2-3 lakhs daily by using this method. Customers Please beware. He will show fake screenshots & dont contact any one of the user who has buy his product , its him only he will present himself as a customer & show you that , …
Complaint regarding cheating by instagram shoping page fshionstore5
Cheated by Instagram shoping page fshionstore5. Value: 687 I have been cheated by fshionstore5 sponsered by clothy stores .My order #35287 placed on March 7,2022 . I have not received the items till now. I have taken 3 dresses. Manjula Dharmavaram 515671, Andhra Pradesh Email: cxxxxxxxxxxxx3@gmail.com
Complaint regarding Telegram carding fraud
On telegram I saw a channel about carding. As I go through the channel I saw they were selling products from Amazon and Flipkart in low prices(60% off). That was strange. I contacted the carder on telegram named master carder. As we talked he told me about the prices of all the products. I paid …
Complaint regarding mobile order on carding empire, Telegram group
I lost my 35k by ordering mobile with them carding empire … culprit forgery groups puting fake details on telegram group were 7k subscribe. Nothing can do… using word trust he betrayed me. Person update fake they are hiding using social media utilise our trust to make money … i deeply feel and hurting for …
Cheating and scam by a so called bitcoin trader
I had been cheated by a bitcoin trader(Channel name: KALVIN_MINER_145) on Telegram messaging app . He told me I am a bitcoin trader & trade bitcoins for my clients & generating profits for them. If you invest 100$ ..Than I will give you 1100$ within 5 hours of trading. I was done as per his/her …
Complaint regarding refund due from cryptobullamdbears
The investment program offers a 50% return on any capital invested with us after 7 days of investment. For example, a $500 investment would get a $750 return after 7 days of investing. FOR MORE DETAILS Contact Admin https://t.me/cryptoofficial_admin I trusted this telegram group and got cheated. They took money from me and now they …
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