whaaky | India Consumer Forum

Tag: whaaky

Complaint regarding refund from Whaaky

I am Purchase a NOKIA 3310 through on line from WHAAKY and payment through paytm Rs 1399. and next day i Discussed with customer care through telephone no is 04xxxxxxxx2 as on 1st Oct. 2018 becouse of I cancel my order No. Is WH3352504718 and customer care told me they confirmed me within 24 hours …

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Complaint regarding refund from whaaky.com

I Purchased samsung mobile GT 1200 *2 from whaaky.com hydrabad & amount was 1599 Rs . when i received mobile that was assembled. i sent back by currier in december 2017. still waiting for refund ,they give me only dates not refund . so please help me for refund .kindly do the needfull. Khursheed khan …

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Whaaky delivered second hand cloths or used cloths after one month

I have booked a product (order no. S802508708) on 5th Sept. 2017 on Whaaky.com site. Whaaky.com could not able to deliver the product within one month. Therefore, I have cancelled the product and requested to refund the amount paid to them (Rs 1299/-) But company delivered me a product on 12th Oct. having second hand …

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Complaint regarding non-delivery by whaaky.com

I had ordered 3 jeans and 3 Shirts @ 1199 + 100 shipping charge, total Rs. 1299 debited from my axis bank account 02/09/217. Order number: S802505293. Whaky informed me by my mail address my ordered dispatch date 7 to 10 working days. but today 22/09/2017 already 20 days over, but till now i not …

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Complaint against Whaaky for low quality product

I ordered woodland shoes from Whaaky.com on 02 June 2017 for Rs 1200, They sent me local made shoes of very low quality. when I appoch them via their helpline they told me to send back shoes and they will return my money back, but after chasing them from last 3 month and writing 10’s …

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Fake product received from Whaaky.com

Hi Team, I have ordered mobile phone in whaaky.com but I have received the fake mobile phone it’s not working. So I have returned it back to them but now going to be two months I didnt get my refund amount. Kindly action on this concern immediately. Thanks for your understanding. My Order number is …

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Refund not given by Whaaky for returned poduct

I purchased a combo of 3 cotton shirts of ?499 from whaaky, but the received product was not as per my size that’s why I asked for return. I dropped a mail to them & they asked to send the parcel on their address & promised to return money of packet as well as courier …

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