Telegram channel fraud and Illegal access to accounts

Telegram channel Destiny_Gaming_1 fraud and Illegal access to Social Accounts

I had contacted a guy named Destiny_Gaming_1 Whose address was from Imphal, Manipur as shown by login location on my google account but he stated me he was from Kolkata, India. This guy had a Channel named “BGMI ID’S BUY AND SELL” on Telegram. I contacted him to sell my Battle Grounds Mobile India (BGMI) account as I was in need of money. This scammer posted the details about my I’d and it’s features in his channel along with the price of ?11500. I agreed to that amount and told him once he recives money from the buyer and transfers it to me I will hand him over my account. So I started the unlinking process of accounts linked to my account. This process required 7 days and I waited for 7 days . On the 7 th day of the process he told me that the buyer had already paid him 11,500 via phone pay and he will keep 500 as his comission and will send the rest of the money to me via Gpay or Phone pay. Now he wanted to get a access to my account to show the buyer about the authenticity of my account so I had granted him permission by giving him my mail id and password. He loged in and verified it and he told me to proceed to complete the deal by evening. At the evening time due to some game issues the unlink process got cancelled and he started to tell me it was my fault and got angry. He said to me that the buyer had already paid the money to which he showed me phone pay recipient of Rs 11500 which I think was fake. He said me that now he has to secure my account and give it to the buyer and after securing he will pay me Rs11000 after keeping?500 as his comission. But I refuged and said him to pay half the amount before securing my account to which he denied. So I said him I need time to think about it and get back to him and after that time I went outside for some work. When I came home I found out that he forcefully removed all my recovery mails and number from my GMail and also got access to my Facebook account via saved id password in my Gmail. I tried every possible way to secure both my Gmail and Facebook by contacting Google support and Facebook but nothing happened.. This scammer removed all his Chats and blocked me and his channel from Telegram. I tried to contact his friend name LYNX BLACK user name @Black293929 on Telegram via different phone number 7xxxxxxx4 but he was also a part of the scam so he also blocked and deleted his channel and fled. This Scammer has access to me Gmail and My Facebook which contents my Personal and Professional data. So I want Consumer Forum to get back my accounts and my BGMI ID and give Strict punishment to these types of scammers.

Cuttack 753003, Odisha

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