Claim settlement by Mediassist: | India Consumer Forum

Claim settlement by Mediassist:

Claim settlement by Mediassist: Mr. Sudhir Bisht of NOIDA 201301, Uttar Pradesh was admitted into Max Super Speciality Hospital as per the doctor’s advice for blood transfusion due to severe anaemia. The patient had initially opted for cashless treatment and the initial request was approved by the TPA Mediassist. Since the discharge summary was already issued before the approval was received, the patient had paid the bill and opted to claim reimbursement. However, when the patient applied for reimbursement he was shocked to find that his claim was denied on the ground that anaemia was not payable as per current policy terms and conditions. Mr. Sudhir posted his complaint on ICF site on 25-12-2016 and the matter was taken up with the TPA. Mr. Sudhir finally got his claim settled by 23-02-2017.

Sudhir Bisht, Noida, UP
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