Complaint against BlazeFlash couriers for delivering consignment at wrong address: | India Consumer Forum

Complaint against BlazeFlash couriers for delivering consignment at wrong address:

Complaint against BlazeFlash couriers for delivering consignment at wrong address:

Ms. Asha Kumari of Delhi had couriered a packet containing admission document (for National Institute of Construction Management and Research (NICMAR) 25/1 Balewadi, N.I.A. post office, Pune 411045, India) and DD for Rs.25,000 through BlazeFlash couriers on 08-08-2009. The courier packet was delivered at a wrong address by BlazeFlash courier. Inspite of Ms. Asha Kumari’s requests over phone to various personal at your office, the issue was not resolved. Ms. Asha posted her complaint in India Consumer Forum on 01-09-2009 and ICF took up thematter with BlazeFlash courier. Upon regular follow-ups with the courier company, packet was finally retrieved from the wrong address and got delivered to the correct addres by 10-09-2009.

Asha Kumari, Delhi -10.09.2009
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