Complaint against Omaxe Ltd. for non-receipt of refund money – Rs.3,00,000/-: | India Consumer Forum

Complaint against Omaxe Ltd. for non-receipt of refund money – Rs.3,00,000/-:

Complaint against Omaxe Ltd. for non-receipt of refund money – Rs.3,00,000/-:

Mr. Yogesh Chandra Srivastava of Lucknow ( had paid Rs 300,000/- to Omaxe Ltd. towards pre-booking amount of a flat in the Jaipur project thru second purchase. The title & assignment was duly registered by Omaxe in Mr. Yogesh’s and his wife’s name. As the builder had not acquired land for the project and it was getting delayed, Mr. Yogesh applied for refund on 12/03/2009. However, he did not get his refund inspite of repeated complaints and he posted his complaint with ICF on 21-12-2009. ICF submitted the complaint to Omaxe and after a couple of email exchanges Mr. Yogesh finally got his refund money together with interest on 07-01-2010.

Omaxe - 07.01.2010
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