Refund from Big Bazaar – Rs.16,089/-: | India Consumer Forum

Refund from Big Bazaar – Rs.16,089/-:

Refund from Big Bazaar – Rs.16,089/-: Mr. Suresh Vishwanathan of Mumbai had purchased some goods from Big Bazaar, Nashik Road for an amount of Rs.16089/-. After purchase, his debit card was used to make the payment. At first instance POS machine did not respond and the card was used on another and the payment was made. However, Mr. Suresh was shocked to find that his account was debited twice for the same amount. He contacted Big Bazaar and SBI but he did not get his money back even after many attempts. He posted his complaint with ICF on 06-11-2016 and the matter was taken up the parties concerned. After rigorous follow-ups, the customer got his refund on 15-11-2016.

Suresh Vishwanathan, Mumbai
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