Refund from Liebherr Refrigerator – Rs.26,300/- | India Consumer Forum

Refund from Liebherr Refrigerator – Rs.26,300/-

Refund from Liebherr Refrigerator – Rs.26,300/- :  Mr. Pramod Ramteke of Nagpur 440034, Maharashtra Purchased Liebherr Refrigerator from CPR Distributors. In the last week of June 2021 complaint was registered regarding ineffective cooling and it was attended after 6 days. Again on August 2021 same complaint registered. However the problem was not resolved even after a month. The customer posted his complaint with ICF on 06-08-2021 and the matter was taken up with the company and the dealer. The matter was resolved as the customer received refund on 19-08-2021.

Nagpur 440034, Maharashtra
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