Refund from Shopmonk | India Consumer Forum

Refund from Shopmonk

Refund from Shopmonk – Rs.10,999/- + 1500: – Mr. Rajeev Jha of Raipur 492007, Chattisgarh bought Sony Experia Z1, 16 GB purple colour from ShopMonk site on 09.11.16. On 07.02.17 the sim slot in the mobile developed a problem, shopmonk arranged pickup and sent back to me after they confirmed to repair it properly on 15.04.2017. Rs. 1500.00 was paid as repair charges upon receipt of the product. However the issue still remained and was intimated to ShopMonk on 16.04.2017. ShopMonk again arranged pickup on 25.04.2017, however until this date there is no reply from them on what action they have taken to resolve this problem. Mr. Jha posted his complaint with ICF on 03-06-2017 and the matter was taken up with Shopmonk. After several follow-ups and guidance to the customer, Mr Jha got his refund by 15-08-2017. He got reimbursement of repair charges after further follow ups by the customer.

Raipur 492007, Chattisgarh
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