Refund from Travolook – Rs.11,281/-: | India Consumer Forum

Refund from Travolook – Rs.11,281/-: 

Refund from Travolook – Rs.11,281/-: Mr. Kamlesh Bajaj of Gandhidham, Gujarat 370240 booked tickets for the journey from Kanpur to Delhi on 24th Jan, from Delhi to Ahmedabad on 26th Jan, and from Ahmedabad to Kandla on 26th Jan, 2021 through Travolook, paying total amount of Rs.11,281.50. The customer was informed by Travolook that the above transactions were cancelled due to fare expiration and that the refund will be credited to his account within 7 to 10 working days.  The customer repeatedly sent them the request by email to refund the amount but there was no response. The customer posted his complaint with ICF on 25-02-2021 and the matter was taken up with Travolook. After follow-ups, the customer got refund by 02-03-2021.

Gandhidham, Gujarat 37024
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