Replacement of Chimney by Kutchina – Rs.19,900/- : | India Consumer Forum

Replacement of Chimney by Kutchina – Rs.19,900/- :

Replacement of Chimney by Kutchina – Rs.19,900/- :  Subhajit Dey of Ambagan, Kolkata 700028, West Bengal  purchased a Kutchina kitchen chimney (Model Name – Smarty) on the 08/06/2017. From the 3rd day of purchase, he started facing problems of “Oil leakage”. Even after three visits by the technician the chimney could not be repaired and the customer requested for replacement. After not getting any support from the company, Mr. Dey posted his complaint with ICF on 25-08-2017. The matter was taken up with the company and the customer was advised to take further steps in the matter. After follow-ups, finally the the unit was replaced by 25-09-2017.

Mr. Subhajit Dey, Ambagan, Kolkata 700028, West Bengal

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