Replacement of Iball Mobile Phone -Rs.7,100/-: | India Consumer Forum

Replacement of Iball Mobile Phone -Rs.7,100/-:

Replacement of Iball Mobile Phone -Rs.7,100/-:  Mr. Kaustabh Sen of Kolkata 700006, West Bengal ( had given his phone for repairs to the service center on 09/10/2014. They said that the model had been discontinued and hence it was not possible to repair or replace the phone. Customer was asked to settle the issue by paying Rs. 843  for which they would provide him with a phone slightly better in features. The customer was not happy about the warranty for the  product. This was somewhat acceptable but the warranty provided was not acceptable to the customer. The replacement phone was a refurbished one. Mr. Sen posted his complaint with ICF on 27-11-2014. ICF guided Mr. Sen in pursuing the matter and was finally given a new replacement phone by 17-12-2014.

Kaustabh Sen, Kolkata, West Bengal
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