Uber driver misbehaved while travel - India Consumer Forum

Uber driver misbehaved while travel

On 2 may I had book a uber cab from uhyog vihar to sector 52 gurgaon and while journey I told him to drive safely as I am expecting and this driver misbehaved me when I was telling him to take me through the golf course road he started yelling at me and talked to me in very abusive way that can’t u see the app directions and don’t talk to me
I got scared how is he talking and I told him talk properly and then again he yelled at me then I thought to look for some help
I called up the cops and women helpline no and then suddenly I got a call from uber helpline as I was raise a emergency call through uber.
uber team heard all my conversation and asked me to drop safely first and then they will call me to confirm the safe journey and take the preventive action against this situation
then on way my hubby came and I got dropped near to my house and raise my feedback about this incident .Uber team didn’t called me up and they have given me free ride for this incident which I didn’t asked. while booking the cab aap showed me 99 rs with 50rs discount and I paid 168.85. there was no progress against my complain on 5may I got a call from uber team they told me cabby has put a feedback that I have broke the headlights can u imagine he lied to uber to escape away and if he was right he would have takes pics when that incident gapped he himself should have called traffic cops to help him but it just a false plot against me so that he could evade away and there won’t be any action against him.
I was very annoyed with this lies and false allegations .So I want to raise it in consumer forum for help and fair justice against such issues.

ashu singh
sector 52, gurgaon 122003, Haryana
Email: manii.17nov@gmail.com

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