Wrong plan provided by Airtel DTH, no customer support - India Consumer Forum

Wrong plan provided by Airtel DTH, no customer support

I took cable / digital service of Airtel in the month of August for 3 months and paid Rs. 2000 which got expired near to November 10th
I called to Airtel customer care and discussed my connections issue and got to know that my tenure of service got expired hence I have to recharge the same. Basis on discussion he suggested me a basic plan of Rs. 199 plus 225 for HD channels so it comes to Rs.424 and I agreed to have this plan, he suggested to pay now and your channel will get start. I asked him to be on hold until I made the payment. I attempted payment through Paytm but de to some technical issue it didn’t reflected in Airtel account and same was confirmed by the associate, he suggested to wait for sometime once the payment reflect in their account, service will get start automatically.

I waited till 11 th November and again I called to customer care and confirmed about my payment status, as per them its not reflecting in their account. So I sent a request to Paytm to reverse my transaction amount as it has not been paid to Airtel and again I tried to do make payment through Airtel app and this time it got successfully done and channel got started.

On 12 th Nov. my Paytm amount also got credited in Airtel account. So now I package / plan which I opted for has been paid twice Rs. 424 plus Rs.424 total Rs. 848 i.e. for 2 months. Now my connection got disconnected on 17 th December (it may be 16 th dec) I called Airtel customer care and enquired about the same and I discovered that my amount got exhaust and I have to do recharge for the same. I explained and verified that I have paid Rs. 424 twice for 2 months then how come it got expired. Customer care associate agreed on payment received twice but mentioned that your plan is of Rs. 700 (near by fig.) and not what am referring.

Since the plan didn’t got updated by them why should I suffer. I spoke to Gxxxxh who is supervisor and we concluded the discussion that since plan has been suggested by your customer care associate so it becomes by default that plan has to be changed as per payment
made. Customers have no option to change plan by their own. Hence he will listen voice recording of customer care associate and will resume the service if he finds its Airtel mistake and gave me timeline to revert back in 24 hours and gave me Voice recording request no. 68836921.

Next day i.e 18 th Dec didn’t got any call or confirmation from Airtel so I called to customer care and spoke to one of the associate and explained everything whatever has happened so far, later Sxxxxxxxxa who is supervisor spoke to me and again and I explained everything patiently and requested him to help me and he gave me timeline that by 19 th Dec 12 noon it will get sorted out and they will call me personally.

I waited till next day but no one called so I again called to customer care and this time I spoke to a lady named Ms. uxxxxxi and again I have to tell her everything since starting so that I can get the solution, she also gave me a very confident timeline that by 5:30 PM it will get resolved. Again I called in the morning at around 9:10 AM of 20 th Dec and this time again I spoke to some new
Supervisor who gave me timeline of one hour and again mentioned that you need not to call back this time you will surely get a call from Airtel after listening Voice recording.

Highly poor response when it comes to providing service. Customers are always ready to wait to follow the company process but now it feels like harassed and Airtel people are making fun of me. More over customer care associate are so so arrogant that you have done something wrong or they owe you.

I would request you to please resolve my issue and take necessary action against Airtel for harassing me and wasting by time and energy as you are the last hop for me now.

Aviral Agrawal
Pimpri, Pune 411017, Maharashtra
Email: axxxxxxxxl@gmail.com

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