Zomato delivers non vegetarian momos instead of veg momos

Zomato delivers non vegetarian momos instead of veg momos

I ordered for veg momos through Zomato and grain bell restaurant on 22/03/2024  without mention of Rupess in bill also, However they delivered non vegetarian momos . i am a pure vegetarian by birth. I never ever ordered non vegetarian food by my side . This negligence of Zomato and grain bell restaurant hurt my religious sentiments and belief because i am the core follower of Hinduism. After taking this meal i suffered serious health issues after 50-60 minutes.
A company has got certain responsibilities which are expected to deliver but Zomato has failed in it.
It is a very big concern by pure vegetarian people so i request to you  please take this matter seriously and take most probable action against Zomato and grain bell restaurant as soon as possible. Order no -5xxxxxxxx6
New Delhi 110009
Email: axxxxxxxn@gmail.com

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